
Pretty Python Patterns to Make Your Life Easier

I’m not a natural python programmer. I started off programming in Ruby, where you basically just write what you want to do in English and it somehow always works. Then I moved to JavaScript because it’s the language of the web. But during my master’s degree I wanted to specialize in machine learning, and I […]


The Singleton Pattern in Python Really Is This Easy

Design patterns are useful in software development for two main reasons: They give us proven ways to solve software design problems. They allow us (super-smart engineers) to communicate the design of our software to each other easily. When people talk about design patterns, it will only take a minute or two before someone brings up […]


Is The Georgia Tech Online Master’s Degree Worth it?

I recently completed an online Master’s in Computer Science from Georgia Tech (known as OMSCS). I get asked a lot whether I recommend it, and I’m never really sure how to answer, so I thought I’d list a few pros and cons of the degree. Before we get to that though, let talk through some […]


What You Need to Know About Coding Bootcamps

I spend a lot of time thinking about the current state of coding bootcamps in America. On the one hand, going to a bootcamp is probably the fastest way to start a career in software development. On the other hand, there are a significant number of students who fork out upwards of $20k only to […]